The first research about the introduction of the piano forte in the Hispanic world, particularly focused in Madrid and its nearest area of influence, has been recently refined by other studies, the scope of which has been broadened to other «peripheral» production centres, and which are reformulating many of the aspects that were taken for granted up to now.[1] Works about the romantic Spanish piano usually forget the major role that the organ heritage had in the creation of a specific language for the pianoforte in the first decades of the 19th century. In this sense, the organ origin of the first teachers/players/composers of pianoforte is considered an adverse factor in the education of the musician, instead of a particular feature, which must be considered from a fair point of view. Therefore, when deepening in the study of the emergence of this new and original writing for pianoforte, in the first decades of the 19th century, we should analyze in great detail the...
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