From present to past through landscape
From present to past through landscape COST and the Action A27 LANDMARKS - The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CCHS) and the Research Line Archaeology and Social Processes - Acknowledgments - Preface I. Theorising landmarks Landscapes in European History. Some thoughts from the COST A27 experience - Historic landscapes in Europe: highlights and challenges II. Recording and characterising landmarks Concepts and approaches to analyse regional landscape histories - Hidden landscapes and ancient landmarks: some theoretical and methodological issues of studying early historical landscapes in Southwest Iberia - Regards croisés sur la viticulture en Catalogne et en Languedoc romains - Less obvious Imperial landscapes: distant Britannia and Hispania - Culture, technology and change in pre-industrial silver mining III. Perceiving, protecting and representing landmarks La perception des paysages antiques de l’Asie Mineure...
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